Message from the Ancients, April 24th 2017.

Click here to listen to this message Message from the Ancients, April 24th 2017. The message from the ancients is that, on April 19th through the 22nd 2017, the messages from the Galactic Federation, from the Pleiadians, are the messages that you need to listen to. The people that you have been listening to that have brought you messages of the unified field, the oneness, these are the people who are bringing you messages that you can trust. Any messages that come from new sources from this time forward should be viewed with scepticism. The energy field was raised to the highest vibration possible to provide the opportunity for the communication to come through to the entities, to the individuals, to the people who have the gifts of receiving this information, whose dream states have not been interfered with, whom we have protected, those messages were enhanced and given and should be viewed as valuable at this time. From this time forward, there will be programs put in p...